Directory of UK Animal Feed and Petfood Producers
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Feed Businesses is an interactive, digital directory providing detailed information concerning 350+ animal feed businesses operating in the UK.
It is a comprehensive sales tool for all businesses that provide products or services to any type of animal feed or petfood enterprise in Britain.
For any businesses which itself produces feed (compounders, blenders, supplement/premix manufacturers, integrated pig or poultry producers, home-mixers, horse feed manufacturers, petfood companies, game and fish feed producers and mobile mill/mix companies), this is a key resource for monitoring your own industry and for keeping an eye on your competitors and their changing fortunes.
Feed Businesses 2024 will be published in the spring. Anyone pre-ordering for delivery on publication will get access to the latest (2019) edition in the meantime.
Feed Businesses is designed for use wherever you happen to be: in your office on a PC, in a meeting on a laptop or out and about on a tablet or phone.
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Feed Businesses interactive directory covers the following business types:
- 90 Sale Farm Animal Feed Compounders
- 85 Petfood Manufacturers
- 50 Horse Feed Manufacturers
- 110 Blended Feeds and Coarse Ration Producers
- 70 Feed Supplement Manufacturers
- 15 Integrated Pig and Poultry Producers
- 10 Game Feed Producers
- 7 Feed Producing Agricultural Co-operatives
- 6 Aquaculture Feed Producers
- 15 Wild Bird Feed Producers
- 7 Mobile Mill/Mix Services
- 30 Additive Producers
- 15 Premix Suppliers
- 75 Ingredient/Straights Suppliers
Now in its sixteenth year, Feed Businesses is established as a valuable resource both for those operating within these industries and those with products or services to sell to them.